Houston Birth Photographer
Home Birth in Houston
Ashley Newman Photography
2010 was the year I learned that starting our family would be more difficult that I had ever imagined. It was the year I lost our first pregnancy. It was the year I learned about IVF. It was the year everything changed.
From the ashes came my deep love for all things birth. Ultimately, we went on to have 3 children and build our family. I have met the most incredible humans along the way, and while my business is not focused on birth, I try to make room for 1-2 births a year depending on availability.
This is one of those beautiful births.
I don’t mean to start a blog on what some may see as a sad or negative note, but rather to share my story so that others will see the passion behind what I do.
Out there is a whole world I had no idea even existed until we had to cross the line into fertility issues. Through our journey, we met the women behind Rebel Birth and became lifelong friends.
We struggled through IVF and ultimately also adopted one of our children over our 4 year journey to parenthood. In fact, we went from thinking we would never have our own family to having 3 kids in 2 years.
During the whole process, I fell in love with the strength and resilience the women I met displayed. I saw friends bring life into the world and it was empowering. I met strangers on the internet and we held each other up. I attended c-sections, planned births, unplanned births, medicated and unmedicated births, and even my own daughter’s birth. From hospitals, to birthing centers, to home births- I have seen the most incredible humans.
I was encouraged and felt at home in these places. It was as if for the first time I could sense a “why” for a channeling of my creative energy, empathy and love for other people.
Birth is an incredibly vulnerable time and I am forever grateful for the gift of being able to witness another human being take their first breath. To cry with a mama. To cheer her on, hold her hand or encourage her through the process. It’s a true gift and you have to love it to want to be a part of it.
If you are reading this and considering hiring a photographer for your birth, I am here to tell you that it is one of the most raw things you can commit to and an incredible gift to be able to give your children.
I book between one and two births a year depending on the timeframe of your due date, so reach out today and let’s talk about your unique, special and beautiful birth today.
Scroll through this post to see the birth and newborn photos we took a few days later.